For a class project, myself along with a team had to create a marketing plan with three promotional pieces that support a brand new product launch for a company of our choice. We were required to create a new product, determine the product details and description, establish a target market, create packaging, determine pricing strategy, key messages and distribution choices and create a marketing plan.
We created Croixchella.
Croixchella is a new product line of La Croix that is in collaboration with Coachella. Since Coachella has been canceled this year, we want to #BringCoachellaHome with Croixchella. Croixchella consists of three new flavors based off of the tents at the festival. The flavors are Gobi (Peach), Mojave (Apple Cranberry) and Sahara (Cucumber Melon). We originally created this product line to be released at the festival, but since it has been canceled, we want people to feel the experience and vibe of Coachella at home #CoachellaEveryday #BringTheDesertToYou.